Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Paper Cutting!

Hi guys! Its been weeks since I've updated my recent post and voila! here I am now with our second assignment which is......(drum roll)... PAPER CUTTING...'meh'. Ms Fu briefed to us what is paper cutting all about and also the requirements, materials needed  for this assignment. BASICALLY, paper cutting is an  art of cutting paper into various designs! This form of art has been practised many years ago by the Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian etc. Let me show you guys some of the paper cuts done by this peoples.

Paper Cut by the Chinese 

Paper Cut by the Japanese 

Paper Cut by the Indonesian 

As you guys can tell, all of this paper cuts is very detailed and of course traditional. All of this art evolved uniquely to adapt to different cultural styles.  In the meantime, modern paper cutting art is all about details as well, graphics, and shapes. It was very inspiring for me as i looked through some of this remarkable deigns. Let me show you....

After looking at that, Ms Fu once again briefed to us about shapes sizes and whatnot. It can be regular shapes like squares, triangles etc and it can irregular shapes as well.We are free to create any design   we want. Not to mention we have to fill up 80% of the A2 size black sugar paper. Now that's a headache because first, I am not that good when it comes to cutting and second I have no PATIENCE! It is important for us to be patient because we will be cutting super FINE and NEAT lines because workmanship plays an important role in this assignment. It need to be extremely neat! No matter how good your design is, if its not neat then your point of doing paper cutting isWORTHLESS. LoL. We were also to buy materials like  an A2 size sugar paper, cutting mat, drawing paper, cutter and also an A2 size mounting board because w will mount em on.

Not long after,  I cut the mounting board into an inch thick to make it as a  boarder and also designed my very own paper cut. 

This was the first design I drew and cut. It was a mess because I've never done paper cut before and also, I have stiff hands. What the hell! I got no choice but to cut it as gently as I could because as Ms Fu said, WORKMANSHIP COUNTS! It took me hours to complete the head of the queen herself. It honestly makes my eye crossed.. LoL

First Paper Cut Design

I was quite pleased the way it turned out and also showed to Ms Fu. After looking at mine, it was a 'OKAY' job for me only. Wait what? An 'OKAY' job???????? I took some time for myself to look again my work and yea, it wasn't PERFECT  and also NEAT enough in order to get good grades but i try to be optimistic as I can, which is to cut a nicer background so that it'll stand out. Once again, try to cut it as gently as i could so that no torn out work is shown and once again, making me having crossed eye again and not long after, our POD class is dismissed, continuing into our Fundamental Drawing class. When the class almost ended, Ms Fu sort of told us what to do for the Fundamental Drawing's portfolio and out of a sudden, Bryan asked us whose paper is laying on the floor and surprisingly it's MINE. FML!!!! The paper is torn into almost half and so does my heart. NOO! My handwork! 

So, I try to brainstorm myself and figure out how to fix that but Ms Fu advice me its better for me to create a new design because she said I might improve my artwork from the previous one but I insisted. Ms Fu is fine with that because after all, its my work, not her's BUT after a while, I  changed my mind, listening to what Ms Fu said, which is coming out another design. After hours of brainstorming, I drew another paper cutting design. It turn up to be the same design which the queen herself with more refine details and a sun background. I designed the queen into an Egyptian queen, which consists of The Eye of Horus which symbolise royal power and good health.       

Here are some of my new paper cut designs.

The second design also took me some time because of the new details which consist of fine lines, geometrical shapes, curvy lines, circles and also semi-circles and yeah, once again this paper cutting is really testing my patience because of the fine details I drew on it. After a long process of paper cutting, Ms Fu asked me to add more details on the design which almost drives me crazy but I got no choice but to add details as what Ms Fu said. Going back home with the feelings of despair, I continue back my work and added more details and after few hours of cutting, I'm OFFICIALLY done with my second assignment. Not long after, I went to campus at about 8 pm again to mount the paper cut and also helped my other squads to mount their work. I presented my work the next day and finally pass it up to Ms Fu. The feeling of relief and satisfaction that flows around me is just so good. I personally kind of satisfied of my job and not also not screwing it up. ...Here are  the final design i presented with, hope you guys liked it!

'The Egyptian Queen'

Once again, I feel thankful and blessed as well because without the guide from Ms Fu and the help from my friends this paper cutting won't turned out. So, thanks guys! And seriously, I really mean it. So thats all about it and till we meet again for the next assignment.. Bye!!!