Thursday, June 9, 2016

Assignment 4

Hello everyone! It's me again and now I shall brief all of you for my final assignment for this module!  In this assignment, we have to create a logo of our own company that we are going for and then apply the logo into the items that we are going to have it later.  But first, we just designed a sketch of 30 different logos with no limitation and hence I designed it by hand, drew it and coloured it. Here are the sketch of these 30n different logos.



After showing Miss Fu the logos, we are to choose one specific logo that we liked the most and we feel most suitable for our company with. So, I came out with a concept of my own version of corporate company which is an interior design firm and the company is called J group where it represents me. My items will be focused to the items that a office should have, from stationeries to the company's batch and whatnot. Hence, I chose this logo that both Miss Fu and I agreed with because this logo is somehow contemporary yet edgy enough for the company that I am going with. Here it is! 

From this logo I chose, I expended it more the movement, the angles and most importantly colours so that it match my vision and also relevant enough for this project. As a result, I did another 30 sketches to explore more logos so that I found ' the one'. Here are the 30 sketches of this version of my logo! 

Again, I showed and consulted with Miss Fu for more advice and again, I will have to choose another logo that I liked the most for further exploration. Looking at it one by one is confusing as different logo brings different fell for different type of company. Therefore I chose again the logo that both Miss Fu and I agreed again to explore more the shapes and arrangement for the logo but I will have to maintain to the essence of the shape for this logo. Here it is! 

From this logo, I expended the angles and shape only without changing the arrangement of the shapes  anymore as I am almost finalizing the logo. Again, here are the 10 exploration of my logos.

I finished it and to be honest I am not that satisfied with the explorations as I feel that I can't find ' the one' logo and as advised from Miss Fu, I explored more logos but I will emphasised more on the colour gradient of turquoise to white colour which I feel it gives the contemporary feel. Hence, I explored 5 more logos to make sure I found a proper logo that I am happy with. :)

In conclusion I showed Miss Fu again the design and then I designed the logo with the use of AI. I chose this logo and the reason is because I feel that the logo is suitable enough where I think I can go far with it. Here is the logo and the AI version of it! :) 

Hand drawn version 

AI version

Logos in different sizes 

From this logo, I searched and found several items that matched with my company's items. All of my items are mainly matt black in colour and I pasted the logo in these items with stickers only. The items are batch, cylinder, mini garbage bin, stationery organizer, paper stacker, folders, CDs, thumb drives, corck board, mug, letters and a notebook. Several items are sprayed with a matt black spray colour and I printed stickers to paste the stickers on it. Therefore, here are the photo of the completed look!

So hers is the final look for this project! To be honest I am quite happy with the result as we were given a chance to feel like we are the real designers who designed real items and it is definitely nit easy as they are certain challenges that I have to deal with which is coming out a strong concept, dealing with the items and of course searching a good printing shop.  All in all, I would also like to thank to Miss Fu with the bottom of my heart for guiding and helping me  towards of the end of the semester. 

Assignment 3

Hey all! It has been months since my previous post about my assignment's journey and here it is! For the third assignment, we are asked to choose a random topic from a newspaper or use the same chosen topic from assignment 1 and create a headline, sub-headline along with the date. 

So, I choose to pick another new topic as I think I could design a headline which could be more creative and simple. I read through theStar online and found a topic that catches my eye the most. It was about a son that is dead, hung on the wall using only electric cables. When his dad saw him, he thought that he was playing around with him as it was April Fool's day. Turns out his son is confirmed dead and there is no reason behind it. The news is taken during the 5th of April 2016. So I extract the news and make ' Death Prank Gone Wrong' as my title and I rearrange the ' Wrong' into ' Worng' to make and illusion because I wanted the audience to acknowledge my design and be alert of what I am designing. The sub-headline also will be ' Son Found Dead During April Fool's Day' as the date is 5th of April 2016.

The process of designing the headline and sub-headline is not that easy as it seemed. I have to study the spacing, fonts and arrangement so that it is easier and comfortable for the audience to read it. But with Miss Fu's guide, I managed to evolve my design from a moderate and normal looking design into a headline I am satisfied with. Here are the photos of the process of designing my headline into a finalized work! :) 

The Process !

1st Design

2nd Design

3rd Design

4th Design

5th Design

6th Design

Finalized Design

Here is the finalised look as you can see the title I chose is Death Prank Gone Worng with a faded gone from dark red to almost invisible and a rearranged word of wrong to wrong. I hope all of you liked is as much as I enjoy the process of designing it! That's it for now and stay tuned for my last and final assignment for this module! :)